Summary of the problem you're solving, the impact and the approach to building a solution
An app will be built to load a verified smart contract from any supported network. The app will allow to include a description for each smart contract function adding a fixed collateral for each.
To include a new function on the registry a cooldown period should elapse without being challenged. If the new entry is challenge will be raised to an arbitrator to resolve the dispute (e.g. Celeste).
At any point an entry could be challenged. If the dispute rule in favor of the challenger the entry will be removed from the registry.
Data fetching and user facing tooling will be created so developers can integrate descriptions and read from the registry.
Summary of what users are trying to accomplish.
Smart contract users want more contextual information when interacting with complex protocols.
DAOs want to describe votes that does complex actions.
Summary of the high level pains.
Lack of a standarized way to verify smart contract logic
Transaction call data is crypted information for most users
DAOs need a transparent way to inform about vote actions
User story format: As a user persona
, I want goal
so that some reason